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Your daily horoscope Sunday May 19, 2024

Your daily horoscope Sunday May 19, 2024
Updated: 14 hours ago
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As the Sun converges with Jupiter, and Venus converges with Uranus, the effects of these two alignments merge and complement each other. Perfect! A delightful cosmic cocktail of optimism, luck, love, and surprise is in store. And with the Sun and Venus entering Gemini (with Jupiter close on their heels), kindness and creativity are the values that will help us share our ideas and take them forwards. Add the Full Moon, which promises adventurous journeys, and it looks like a great week!

On Thursday, May 23, Venus, the planet of love and beauty, joins forces with Jupiter, the planet of abundance and expansion, both cosying up in the luxurious sign of Taurus. This cosmic union promises a bountiful and harmonious time, sprinkling your life with love and joy. This is the perfect time to deepen your connections with loved ones. Gather your closest friends and family for a sumptuous meal or a delightful evening filled with laughter and joy. Share stories, create memories, and savour the warmth of these precious moments. Learn More.50% OFF all personal horoscope charts!


Your Weekly Love Focus Horoscope: Just because your ruler, Mars, is in your sign doesn't mean you need to keep your foot on the accelerator. Yes, your 'engine' is turbo-charged. But you can set the controls to a comfortable speed. You're making significant progress; you don't need to rush. And if you relax, you'll be able to enjoy what's unfolding. If you take time to appreciate the scenery, you'll see something delightful, that deserves your attention. It involves a relationship development that will make your onward journey much more enjoyable.


Your Weekly Love Focus Horoscope: There's a reason we say 'if it ain't broke, don't fix it'. Humans love meddling and fixing. But even more than that, we like finding fault with things. It seems we're not happy unless we can find something, even in idyllic situations, to moan about. What are we like?! You're aware of a problem in your relationship world. But could you be over-focusing on it? It's highly probable it's nowhere near as serious as you think. This week, as your ruler, Venus, moves to a new sector of the sky, if you let things be, you'll make space for healing.


Your Weekly Love Focus Horoscope: No matter what action you decide to take there will be consequences. So, you might as well get going. As the Sun and Venus enter your sign, you can't lose. Even if you're uncertain, and things don't go entirely according to plan, things will work out right. Helpful connections will appear out of the blue. You'll find yourself presented with unexpected situations that can assist you on your way. Even problems will turn out to hide advantages. By the end of the week, you'll see emotional, material and spiritual improvements in your life. Yay!


Your Weekly Love Focus Horoscope: "Nothing in the world is single; all things by a law divine, in another's being mingle - why not I with thine?" The poet Shelley's words describe the longing we experience when we yearn for love. Yet his poem also describes the relationship between rivers and oceans; no matter what's going on in our relationship world, we're all connected to one another and to the cosmos. That might sound a bit airy-fairy! But this week, if you're content with what's going on in your world, a connection with someone who truly 'gets you' is possible.


Your Weekly Love Focus Horoscope: You've got more support than you think. Even if you don't think you're especially well-connected, or that you don't have 'friends in high places', you've got strong allies. The cosmic assistants don't judge us according to our perceived value. They're inspired by sincerity, not status. And with your ruler, the Sun converging with Jupiter, they're focusing on you. No matter what you're anticipating this week, you can be confident that there's hope and help on offer. Behind the scenes, the forces are working in your favour.


Your Weekly Love Focus Horoscope: If you want your life to be simpler and less stressful you could always try going along with whatever unfolds. Why go to the effort of fighting for something when you know you might not win? Unless, of course, you're investing your energy into defending someone (or something) that matters to you. In which case, you can't just sit back and let things be. And by trying, you're communicating something that needs to be shared. And encouraging others to bravely speak their truths. Keep going this week. The result will be worth it.


Your Weekly Love Focus Horoscope: Even if we're super open-minded, we try to avoid being surprised by unexpected events. And if we spot something that looks as if it might push us out of our comfort zones, we try to take action to avoid it. It's not that we don't want change to happen; it's just that we'd prefer it to happen in a controlled way. We don't want to be swept off our feet. Yet despite our efforts, life has a way of rewriting our agenda. And when we go with the flow (rather than fight it) good things occur. There are surprises in store this week. But they're good ones!


Your Weekly Love Focus Horoscope: No matter how far you go out of your way to help someone, if they don't want to be helped you won't be very effective. Even if you sacrifice your own needs to focus on theirs, progress will be hard. This week, take time to consider what's going on with someone's agenda. It's possible they're not being honest with themselves (let alone you). By asking them the right questions you'll help them work out their truth. And that will enrich your connection - and free you both to move forwards in a more positive direction.


Your Weekly Love Focus Horoscope: Your sense of 'who you are' is defined by your experience, your hopes and your beliefs. The people and places that mean a lot to you influence that sense of self too. As do the interests that excite and inspire you. And like everyone, the more negative aspects of your world play their part. Sometimes, these boundaries, which we've created to protect ourselves, are no longer necessary. Like moats around castles, they keep out good as well as bad. This week brings a chance to break down a barrier and let someone positive into your world.


Your Weekly Love Focus Horoscope: If the people concerned with societal 'health and safety' had absolute power they'd do away with bungee jumping. Actually, all forms of extreme sport would be banned. This is, of course, unlikely to happen! Thank goodness! We all need to push ourselves out of our comfort zones sometimes. That's why we queue up for daring rollercoaster rides. You've been through some extreme experiences in your relationship world. As things begin to calm down, you'll realise how much you've learned, and how far you've progressed.


Your Weekly Love Focus Horoscope: Have you reached a dead end? Are you staring at a brick wall? Are you reading your prediction with your fingers crossed (but with little hope of it saying anything encouraging?). If that's the case, you need to reset your expectations. Get ready to say goodbye to that unusually pessimistic outlook you've been experiencing. This week, as Venus, the planet of love, links with your ruler, Uranus, you can change a lot about what you dislike in your world. And if you apply your innovative mind to matters of the heart, a delight awaits.


Your Weekly Love Focus Horoscope: What are we supposed to be doing with our lives? Are we meant to be doing what we're told to do? Is our job to make things easy for everyone else, and sacrifice our own wellbeing? As long as we're doing everything in our power to make other people happy, we're doing OK... right? Wrong! This week brings the clarity to make a decision about the way your future is heading. It also brings the courage to start walking down the path towards it. Yay! When you focus on your own happiness, you make the world a happier place too.